Whitelabel Our AI Sales & Copywriting Platform with 60+ Built-in Frameworks

Whitelabel Our AI Positioning & Copywriting Platform with 60+ Built-in Frameworks

The Superfast AI for creating on-brand positioning, messaging & marketing copy. Fully whitelabeled to your brand. So you can upsell, down sell, or add more monthly recurring revenue any way you like.

Create your brand strategy in 2 minutes

It’s free. It’s fast. It’s everything you need it to be.

Three steps to launching your own whitelabel AI app

Create a Brand

Positioning Strategy

aka let the AI create it for you while you push its buttons

Load up ALL of your offers & products

and let the AI create your customer avatars, value propositions and sales strategy for every single one of them

Leverage the 60+

built-in copy


to spit out eyeball-gluing, money-raining, dopamine releasing sales and marketing copy at the push of a button


Sign up for a whitelabel plan

Start small with a 5-account plan or go all in with the unlimited everything plan


Brand it to your agency

Play around with themes, colors and layouts to make heyLevi your own


Create custom plans and tell the world about them

Choose different features and word limits to add to each of your offers, and show them off to your customers!

Create months of email sequences faster than you can make a cup of coffee.

Why does your HighLevel need heyLevi?


Every Business Needs a Strategy

No more struggling to get results with generic, AI-generated copy that doesn't know a thing about your brand


Hoarding Prompts is so 2022

Instead of writing or hoarding prompts, we know you'd rather be making sales with unprompted AI instead


Reading Your Customers is Key

From who they are to what they do, think about and what drives them to take action, let heyLevi tell you exactly what to say to win their hearts- and their wallets


60+ Built-in Frameworks

From social media posts to lead magnets and nurture sequence that span a year. We'll let you take all the credit and impress your customers- over and over again


Brand-Led Content

Let your brand do all the talking. From understanding your buyers to positioning everything you sell, heyLevi helps you rake in the sales with every word it writes


Lightning-Fast Results

With content modules that require little to no typing, writing an entire 3 month nurture sequence can be faster than making your morning coffee.

heyLevi's Generative AI modules can help you stay competitive and give your clients everything they're asking for and more in a fraction of the time- a whole lot easier than you might think.

Here’s just some of what heyLevi does

Brand Website

Transform your online presence with words that truly reflects your brand's essence and speak your ideal customer’s love language.

Competitor Analysis

Gain a strategic edge with lightning-fast, actionable insights. heyLevi dissects your competitors’ offerings compared to your own, providing you with a roadmap to outshine them in minutes.

Video Sales Letter (VSL)

Turn viewers into buyers with a psychologically-tuned VSL script. In just 3 clicks, heyLevi creates a compelling narrative that speaks to your audience’s emotional instincts and decision making drivers.

Sales Page Copy

Craft irresistible sales pages that keep readers glued. Our 8-step process leverages advanced NLP concepts to create copy that not only grabs attention but also drives conversions.

Nurture Sequence (Email / SMS)

Nurture leads effortlessly with tailor-made email sequences. heyLevi designs intuitive campaigns for any offer, paid or free, delivering the right message at the right time.

Ad Copy

Unlock professional-grade ad copy in seconds. Leveraging 8 expert copywriting frameworks, unlimited tones of voice and a unique ‘point of view’ feature, heyLevi generates countless on-brand variations to supercharge your campaigns.

YouTube Video Script

Elevate your YouTube presence with custom-crafted scripts. Tailored to your audience, topic, and ideal duration, these scripts help you create engaging content that resonates.

Lead Magnets

Supercharge your list-building with irresistible lead magnets. From checklists to ebooks, heyLevi conceptualizes diverse offerings that your ideal customers can't resist.


Say goodbye to writer's block. Input your topic, keywords, audience, and tone, and heyLevi serves up SEO-optimized titles and full blog posts that stay true to your brand voice in moments.

Social Media Posts

Create platform-perfect posts in one go. heyLevi adapts your message for each social channel, ensuring your content always hits exactly the right note.

Grab a whitelabel plan

Getting started is easy, grab a plan below and our onboarding team will help get you fully set up in minutes.

Go Annual and Save 20%


$0 per month

  • 1 User

  • 1 Brand Positioning Guide

  • Social media bulk posts (up to 2K words or 20-30 posts per month)

5 Sub Accounts

Value - Whitelabel

$199 per month


per month, paid annually

  • Fully Whitelabeled

  • 5 Sub-accounts

  • Unlimited Users per sub-account

  • 1 Brand Messaging Playbook per sub-account

  • Unlimited Product Messaging Playbooks

  • Bring your own Open AI API


Growth - Whitelabel

$499 per month


per month, paid annually

  • Fully Whitelabeled

  • Unlimited Sub-accounts

  • Unlimited Users per sub-account

  • 1 Brand Messaging Playbook per sub-account

  • Unlimited Product Messaging Playbooks

  • Bring your own Open AI API

Ask for our Enterprise Plan

Learn more about White Labelling


30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee

We're pretty confident heyLevi will revolutionize your copywriting game. But hey, we get it - every business is unique. That's why we're offering a 30-day money-back guarantee.

If after a month, you find that heyLevi hasn't turbo-charged your content creation or lived up to the hype, just give us a shout. We'll process your refund faster than you can say "buyer's remorse." No need for a sob story, no awkward questions.

Know your buyers better than they do.

Check out the magic!

So if you’re one of these…

The Under-100 Agency

The Under-100 Agency

If you’re aiming for that Gold SaaSpreneur award this October, your #1 goal should be attracting stickier clients- FAST.

heyLevi's positioning frameworks gets you there.

The 100+ Agency

The 100+ Agency

You’ve already got a good thing going with that Gold award in your pocket, so why not aim for Platinum? Your offer is clearly working, so the goal is to simply supercharge it to the next level.

Our sales and copywriting frameworks make it easier than ever.

The 500+ Agency

The 500+ Agency

You've already got a solid client base, but you're not stopping until you make HighLevel invent a third category for their awards!

It's time to use the power of zero-prompt AI to craft brand narratives that drive engagement and sales through the roof – all while cementing your agency's position as the ultimate choice for businesses that want to be the go-to choice in their niche.

What Our Customers Have to Say

“The verbiage it’s spitting out is beautiful - I’ve been really blown away”

“Your customers will love it.”

“Having heyLevi in our business has been one of our best decisions”


1. Technical Setup

How much tech/programming knowledge is required to set up an OpenAI API key?

Zero! Setting up an OpenAI API key is a straightforward process that involves creating an account on the OpenAI website, navigating to the API section, and generating a key. We provide step-by-step instructions and video tutorials to guide you through the whole thing.

How tech-savvy do I need to be to integrate heyLevi with GoHighLevel?

The integration process is designed to be user-friendly and involves copying and pasting a provided URL into your GoHighLevel custom menu link settings. We also offer detailed instructions and Zoom support if you hit a bump.

Can I get help with the technical setup if I need it?

Yes, absolutely! Our dedicated support team is available to help with any technical questions or challenges you might run into during the setup process. You can also reach out to us via email, SMS or schedule a call for personalized guidance.

2. Pricing and Billing

How much will I be charged in addition to heyLevi's subscription fees since it doesn't include usage?

heyLevi's subscription fees cover access to the platform and its features, frameworks and built-in AI prompts, but we don't mark up any usage costs at all- meaning, you and OpenAI get to have your own relationship for (low) token usage costs. Costs vary based on the AI model you choose and the volume of content you generate. We provide estimated usage costs and resources to help you understand and manage your OpenAI billing.

Can I track my OpenAI API usage within heyLevi?

Yes, heyLevi provides a dashboard that displays your agency's overall usage statistics, including word count and token usage. You can also view usage breakdowns for individual sub-accounts to track client activity.

What happens if I exceed my OpenAI API usage limits?

OpenAI might throttle your usage or temporarily restrict access if you exceed your limits. To avoid this, we recommend setting up auto-recharge in your OpenAI account and monitoring your usage regularly (we go over this during your onboarding process so you know exactly where to look for usage data whenever you need it).

3. Features and Functionality

Can I customize the look and feel of heyLevi to match my brand?

Yes, heyLevi offers white-label customization options that let you change the app's name, logo, color scheme, and even play with different layouts to align with your brand identity.

Can I create different levels of access for my clients within heyLevi?

Absolutely! You can create custom Feature Tiers within heyLevi, each with its own set of enabled features and word limits. This allows you to offer different service packages to your clients and manage their AI usage like a pro.

Can I add my own custom prompts to heyLevi?

Yes, you can upload your own (non-chained) custom prompts to make them available to your customers through the UI- without revealing any of your prompt secrets. You can even control which set of customers get access to which specific prompts since they're uploaded at a feature tier level.

4. Support and Resources

What kind of support can I expect if I hit a roadbump?

We offer dedicated email and chat support, a built-in agency FAQ chatbot to help you troubleshoot common issues, and built-in white label 'Show Me How' videos throughout the app to help you get the most out of heyLevi. We also have an active Facebook community where you can connect with other users and get answers to your burning questions.

Do you offer trainings or onboarding resources?

Yes, you'll get an onboarding video walkthrough as soon as you sign up, a booking link for Zoom support, in-app 'Show Me How' videos for every module, and monthly webinars to help you and your team get started and growing with heyLevi in no time.

heylevi logo

Ready to leverage the power of promptless AI to unlock unparalleled growth for yourself and your customers instantly- and risk-free?