About heyLevi

If you’ve tried AI copywriting tools, you’ve probably felt the frustration: clunky prompts, generic outputs, and a voice that sounds nothing like yours.

Most AI tools expect you to be a master marketer, crafting flawless prompts and knowing exactly how to fix copy that just doesn’t hit the mark.

You’re stuck tweaking, rewriting, and still ending up with content that sounds like it came from a robot rather than reflecting your unique voice.

HeyLevi flips the script

Instead of throwing random AI outputs at you and calling it a day, we decided to start by getting your brand’s core messaging dialed in FIRST.

We capture everything from your voice, vibe, values, market position, offers, services, and ideal customer profile, so when you ask for content, it’s already primed to sound just like you- but even better.

Your Brand’s core messaging

Endless “sounds just like me” copy

About heyLevi

Our approach comes from real-world experience.

After two failed businesses in 2022, our founder and CEO, Ruheene Masand Jaura, approached AI differently with her third startup.

Instead of teaching or sharing baked-in prompts like everyone else on the internet seemed to be doing, she got together with a senior Amazon developer to build an app that leads with the most important part - your brand’s unique messaging playbook dialed in to perfection - so creating content becomes a literal breeze.

The app now has over 60 built-in sales and marketing frameworks plus over 150 built-in prompts that are far from static.

These prompts learn from your business' true core values, helping you build a strong brand identity and market positioning, and use all of those data points to create content that is undeniably YOU.

With no prompting, marketing or sales knowledge required, heyLevi puts the power back in your hands, letting you control your brand narrative and produce top-quality sales and marketing content in seconds.

We call it 'unprompted, brand-led AI'—and it's changing the game for brands across the globe.

Our end goal is to help you make more sales by using the right messaging. So as AI evolves, we keep a pulse on the market allowing you to always speak your customer’s language fluently.

Deeplevel AI © 2025 All Rights Reserved

Made with ❤️ in California